Learn to Train Program
The objective of the Learn to train Program is to promote sporting excellence at provincial and national levels and promote long-term engagement in skating. With this program we promote an active start in the sport of skating and continue to teach our skaters how to train to train, train to compete, and train to win.
The LTT Program follows Skate Canada's Long Term Development Program, acknowledging that each athlete will progress through their skating journey based upon their individual skill acquisition; it is expected that progress may vary from skill to skill. Athlete development is a process that takes time and looks very different depending on each individual stage of development.
Follow this link to learn more about Skate Canada's Long Term Development Program
National Safe Sport Program
CP2R's vision is to inspire all our members to embrace the joy of Skating. In partnership with Skate Canada, CP2R places the highest priority on ensuring there is a safe, professional, inclusive, and respectful environment for all individuals in the skating community.
To learn more about how we are making the sport of skating a safe and inclusive environment for everyone, follow this link to Skate Canada's Safe Sport website.